Beautiful Window Installations

If your windows are old and drafty, and it’s time for a replacement, don’t hesitate to reach out to the Millennium Roofing and Construction team! Alternatively, if you want to add a brand-new window to your home, we can assist you with that as well. Furthermore, apart from handling interior trim work and taping, we offer comprehensive installation services at competitive prices.

You can rely on us for the installation of various types of windows, including

To take the first step towards your window installation project, feel free to contact us today and request a FREE estimate for our professional installation services.


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Energy Star Windows

Modern ENERGY STAR windows, doors, and skylights save more energy than ever due to technological advancements. On cold winter nights, do you avoid seats near the window?
Inefficient windows can make you feel cold, even if you’re wearing a sweater and have set the thermostat to 70 degrees. This is because they remove heat from your body. ENERGY STAR windows keep the inside glass warm, so you can sit by the window comfortably even in very cold weather.

Damaged Windows

Quality windows not only enhance the security, property value, energy efficiency, and curb appeal of your property, but they also offer numerous benefits. At Millennium, we understand the uniqueness of each project, and as a result, we provide a diverse range of top-notch products to precisely meet the specific needs of your project. Our selection includes renowned brands such as NT Windows, Pella, Andersen Windows, Wincore Windows and Doors, and Simonton.

Thanks to remarkable technological advancements, today’s ENERGY STAR-qualified windows provide even greater savings compared to previous options. To identify these energy-efficient windows, simply look for the ENERGY STAR label.

By replacing old windows with ENERGY STAR-qualified ones, you can reduce household energy bills by 7-15 percent. Not only does this lower energy consumption, but it also contributes to a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from power plants, thereby reducing your house’s carbon footprint.

Windows that are energy efficient can help save money
Larger windows can add so much light to a room

Replacement Services

When considering replacement options, turn to vinyl for the ultimate in low maintenance, easy care, and durability. Our exclusive premium vinyl offers the natural appearance of real wood, combined with the strength and durability of vinyl.

Vinyl is not only an energy-efficient choice but also a durable window replacement option for homeowners. By replacing old materials with vinyl, property owners can save energy. This is because vinyl is resistant to heat flow and boasts high R-values. Consequently, vinyl with a higher R-value is more energy efficient and offers increased energy savings.

Moreover, these windows effectively keep energy inside the home, resulting in reduced heating and cooling costs by insulating against the elements. Additionally, we recognize that vinyl diminishes external noise and creates a serene and tranquil atmosphere within the home.

At Millennium, we are qualified professionals who provide high-quality residential and commercial windows and siding for your home or business. Furthermore, our team of experts guarantees accuracy and quality in managing your project from start to finish.

Moreover, Millennium prides itself on 100% customer satisfaction. In fact, we continue to stand behind our workmanship long after we complete the job, offering a degree of peace of mind that no other company can match.

In addition, we are a local company serving Oklahoma City and nearby areas, including Piedmont, Surrey Hills, Edmond, Bethany, Mustang, Yukon, Moore, Norman, and Kingfisher.

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