Metal Roofing Types

There are several types of metal roofing materials that are commonly used for residential applications, including:

1. Standing Seam: Standing seam is a popular choice for residential roofing generally due to its durability and sleek appearance. It consists of interlocking panels that specifically run vertically along the roof, in addition to raised seams that are specifically sealed to prevent water from penetrating the roof.

2. Corrugated: Corrugated is made of thin, ridged metal sheets that are subsequently installed with exposed fasteners. It is a cost-effective option however that is commonly used for sheds, garages, and other outbuildings.

3. Metal Shingle: Metal shingle is designed to specifically mimic the look of traditional roofing materials like wood or slate, and furthermore provide the durability and longevity of metal. Moreover, it is available in a variety of styles and finishes.


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We are a fully licensed, insured and bonded company that can handle all of your metal roofing restoration needs.


We take pride in our roots and treat our clients with care. Hence, our family values run deep and form the foundation of our ethics and principles that, above all, we’re never willing to let go of.

4. Metal Tile: Metal tile is generally similar to metal shingle roofing, but is designed to mimic the look of traditional clay or concrete tiles. Therefore, it is available in a variety of colors and finishes.

5. Copper: Copper is a premium option that is prized for its beauty and longevity. Therefore, it is typically used for high-end homes and historic buildings. Moreover, over time copper develops a unique patina thus adds to its character and beauty.

6. Zinc: Zinc is another premium option that is subsequently valued for its durability and unique appearance. Hence, it is often used for modern or contemporary homes and is available in a variety of finishes.

There are many other types of metal roofing materials available, consequently each with its own unique advantages and disadvantages. Therefore the best option for your home will depend on factors like your budget, in addition to the style of your home, and your climate.

Metal Roofing comes in various types

Benefits of Metal Roofing

There are many benefits of metal roofing for residential applications. Specifically here are some of the most significant advantages:

1. Longevity: Metal roofing is highly durable and therefore can last for 50 years or more subsequently with proper maintenance. Hence this is much longer than traditional roofing materials like asphalt shingles, which typically last for 20-30 years.

2. Energy Efficiency: Metal roofing reflects solar heat, therefore can help to reduce cooling costs in the summer. In addition, some types of metal roofing can specifically be coated with special reflective coatings that further increase their energy efficiency.

3. Low Maintenance: Metal roofing requires very little maintenance conversely compared to other roofing materials. It is resistant to rot, insect damage, and fire, and can withstand extreme weather conditions for instance.

4. Lightweight: Metal roofing is much lighter than other roofing materials, hence can reduce the load on the roof structure and therefore make installation easier.

5. Environmentally Friendly: Metal roofing is often made from recycled materials in addition, and can be recycled again at the end of its useful life. In addition, it can help to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions however by reflecting solar heat.

6. Aesthetically Pleasing: Customers can choose from a wide range of colors and finishes for metal roofing, and therefore can be customized to match the style of your home. Subsequently this can help to enhance the curb appeal of your property and simultaneously increase its resale value. In conclusion, metal roofing provides a range of benefits and thus make it an attractive option for homeowners otherwise especially looking for a long-lasting, durable, and energy-efficient roofing solution.

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